Dear Customers,
We regret to inform you that the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has, with our agreement, imposed restrictions on our business. These can be found in Monevium Ltd's FCA public registry entry. Client funds continue to be held in separate safeguarding accounts held by third party credit institutions.
We kindly request that you refrain from sending any funds to your IBAN associated with Monevium. If any funds have been sent, please be advised that we are endeavouring to ensure that funds are refunded to you as soon as is reasonably practicable.
Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Support team for assistance at [email protected]

Easy EURO account for every need

Monevium offers a modern, straightforward and secure way to manage your money. Open a EUR IBAN current account online in minutes

——   OR   ——

Scan the QR code to download the app & access your account instantly
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App Store

Scan the QR code to download the app & access your account instantly
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Google Play

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Easy EURO account for every need

Two-factor authentication, 3D Secure and many other security features are standard with Monevium, ensuring the safety of your funds and giving you peace of mind.


Monevium is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) as an authorised Payment Institution. We protect and safeguard your funds by holding them in a separate account.

Round-the-clock support

Highly professional and attentive customer service specialists will answer any and all questions via chat or e-mail.

Monevium Card

Monevium Card

The globally accepted Monevium Mastercard gives you access to your account worldwide.

Use globally

Your Monevium Mastercard can be used to withdraw money from 2.3 million ATMs worldwide in over 200 countries.

Safe contactless payments

A convenient and touch-free way to make purchases anywhere and full stop

Security First

If you lose your card, you can immediately freeze it using the Movevium app or your online account. Once found, simply unfreeze again in seconds.

Take control of your money accounts

Monevium provides you with a safe, user-friendly and responsive way to manage your money.

Set spending limits

Set monthly budgets to manage your spending, savings and bills through the Monevium app or web platform.

See a real-time overview of your account

Oversee all your account activity at any time in just a few simple clicks.

Instant notifications

Real-time notifications anytime you spend or receive money.

Take control of your money accounts (Monevium app)